The terms and conditions of use of the website apply to the use of all functionalities of the website and to ordering products and services through the website. By staying on the site, you accept these Terms and Conditions, so please read them carefully.

Changes and basic regulations

The website is available only to individuals which are at least 18 years old. The user staying on the website voluntarily consents to accept its Terms and Conditions. The website administrator reserves the right to change either the content, offers or the Terms and Conditions of use without informing the user about it. Therefore, the current Terms and Conditions should be familiarized with each time.

Obligations and Restrictions

The User voluntarily undertakes to comply with the Terms of Use, in particular:
    • Not disseminating material in the form of comments, photos or other forms of communication that may cause business damage to the owner of the content, offers and products offered on the site.
    •  Not posting any content that is untrue, may be considered offensive or violates applicable law.
    • Not using any tools, devices and applications intended to copy the content on the site.
    • Not using software that may slow down or disabilitate operation of the website.

Limitation of Liability

Using the website is costless and free of any charges. Users use the website of their own will and sole responsibility. Absolving the Administrator from liability for damages resulting from the use of the website and its functionality.

 Purchasing products and services

On the website, it is possible to conclude a Sales Agreement by electronic means. In order to conclude a Sales Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, it is necessary to complete an electronic form. And in particular: providing a valid e-mail address, filling in the form using a keyboard or other electronic devices, filling in data for delivery.

The concluded Sales Agreement is a distance contract, therefore it is subject to all regulations of such a contract. Including the Buyer's right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days - without olbigation to provide a reason to withdraw from the contract.  In the event of withdrawal from the Product Sales Agreement, it is necessary to return the product free from traces of use, working and undamaged.  In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Buyer will receive a refund reduced by the delivery fee.

Order and delivery

 If the order is accepted on the website, the Buyer will receive an order confirmation by e-mail. The order realization date provided on the website is estimated, therefore the Seller reserves the right not to meet this deadline. In the event of a delay in delivery, the Seller will inform the Buyer by e-mail or other means of communication.

Privacy policy

Details of the privacy policy can be found in the document "Privacy Policy".